Category: n-code

  • Moving to UCL

    Moving to UCL

    We are delighted to announce that the lab is moving to UCL in September 2024. We will be based in the Department of Language and Cognition, which is part of the Division of Psychology and Language Sciences, which in turn is part of the Faculty of Brain Sciences. UCL is a powerhouse of original research…

  • Working together

    Working together

    We were delighted to be part of RHUL’s Psychology Working Together Event, which attracts a diverse group of educational professionals from the South East Research Network for Schools (SERNS) and helps us make links between research and in the classroom. Sonia led a workshop on rewards and motivation in the classroom and in educational apps,…

  • The lab at #BDA24

    The lab at #BDA24

    We were very excited to present our work on various facets of #dyslexia at BDA24 in Surrey. Nilgoun Bahar gave a talk on her new work that uses MRI to show that better readers find reading more intrinsically rewarding. Hannah Jones presented work from her award-winning undergraduate project on intrinsic motivation in dyslexic readers, which…

  • Farewells

    We recently said goodbye to Valeriia and Darius, who leave us to take their next steps in science. Valeriia leaves us to take up a long-term postdoctoral fellowship in Russia and Darius is starting a PhD in Australia. We wish the best of luck in their new academic roles!

  • Hannah presents at Pint of Science

    Hannah presents at Pint of Science

    Hannah Jones provocatively talked about “Why read when we have Netflix?” featuring insights from her PhD at Royal Holloway’s Pint of Science, held at the Red Lion Pub in Egham.

  • Knowledge exchange workshop (SLTs and language researchers)

    On 28th June 2024, we are hosting a workshop at Royal Holloway bringing together language researchers and speech-language therapists. Speakers will include Becky Clark (ClarkSLT) and members of the lab, with plenty of room for discussion. This event is organised by PhD student Hannah Jones. Please do sign up below if you are interested.

  • Workshop on Language and Cognitive Development in deafness

    Dr. Valeria Vinogradova, ESRC Postdoctoral Fellow, has organised a workshop for professionals supporting deaf children. Find out more below!

  • New paper in Developmental Science!

    New paper in Developmental Science!

    Ever wondered why we love learning new words? Recent experiments have shown that adults experience intrinsic reward when they successfully learn new words from context. Moreover, this sense of reward significantly enhances long-term memory retention of newly acquired words. But what about children and teenagers? Do they feel the same way about learning new words?…

  • Hannah Jones awarded the Dorothy Farrar Research Prize

    Hannah Jones awarded the Dorothy Farrar Research Prize

    We’re thrilled to announce Hannah Jones has won the 2023 Dorothy Farrar Research Prize. This prize is awarded annually to a student in the Department of Psychology, Royal Holloway for the best research project. Hannah completed her project in the lab last year, working with Laura Randall, Ellie Hawkes, and Jenin Joumma. Hannah used the…

  • Welcome Valeriia and Darius!

    Welcome Valeriia and Darius!

    The lab has recently become a little bigger. Valeriia Vinogradova joins the lab as an ESRC postdoctoral research fellow. Valeriia plans to work on the interactions between language and cognition in deaf individuals. Valeriia did her PhD at UEA with Dr. Velia Cardin and Prof. John Spencer; you can read some of her impressive work here.…