Category: n-code

  • Hannah Jones awarded the Dorothy Farrar Research Prize

    Hannah Jones awarded the Dorothy Farrar Research Prize

    We’re thrilled to announce Hannah Jones has won the 2023 Dorothy Farrar Research Prize. This prize is awarded annually to a student in the Department of Psychology, Royal Holloway for the best research project. Hannah completed her project in the lab last year, working with Laura Randall, Ellie Hawkes, and Jenin Joumma. Hannah used the…

  • Welcome Valeriia and Darius!

    Welcome Valeriia and Darius!

    The lab has recently become a little bigger. Valeriia Vinogradova joins the lab as an ESRC postdoctoral research fellow. Valeriia plans to work on the interactions between language and cognition in deaf individuals. Valeriia did her PhD at UEA with Dr. Velia Cardin and Prof. John Spencer; you can read some of her impressive work here.…

  • Christmas 2023

    Christmas 2023

    It was fantastic to have an end of 2023 celebration with the lab! We found Moriarty’s lair in London, winning some chocolate in the process, followed by a lovely meal in a festive pub! Happy holidays to everyone celebrating.

  • The lab at SNL 2023

    The lab at SNL 2023

    Saloni, Amrita, and Nilgoun enjoyed presenting work at SNL 2023, against the backdrop of beautiful Marseille!

  • Visit from Dr. Caicai Zhang

    It was great to host Dr. Caicai Zhang from Hong Kong Polytechnic at Royal Holloway, we spent time discussing Developmental Language Disorder, imaging, and presentation across cultures. Thanks also to Caicai for her amazing talk focusing on reading and writing in Mandarin speaking children, and how her results connected to our understanding of sequencing.

  • New paper in eLife!

    New paper in eLife!

    We are delighted to have a new paper out in eLife: You can read more about this research here, or see a Twitter thread by Saloni here.

  • MRC New Investigator Research Grant Success

    MRC New Investigator Research Grant Success

    Congratulations to Saloni who has just been awarded a New Investigator Research Grant from the MRC. Her project is titled, “Reward and motivation mechanisms supporting language learning: a cross-syndrome investigation of developmental language disorder (DLD) and autism”. The grant uses cutting edge methods (new paradigms, computational models, and MRI) to understand the interplay between motivation…

  • College teaching prize for Saloni

    College teaching prize for Saloni

    Lab director Dr. Saloni Krishnan, along with colleagues Dr. Nura Sidarus, Dr. Ilham Sebah, Professor Dawn Watling, and Professor Victoria Bourne have won a Royal Holloway College Team Teaching Prize for their project, “Establishing transparency and inclusivity in accessing and developing research experience.” These prizes recognise initiatives that have had a beneficial effect on student…

  • Welcome Hannah!

    Welcome Hannah!

    We are delighted to welcome Hannah Jones, who joins the N-CoDe Lab with a summer bursary award from Royal Holloway. Hannah will be working on a project about motivation for reading, a topic close to her heart. Find out more about Hannah here!

  • Welcome Desislava!

    Welcome Desislava!

    We warmly welcome Desislava Arabadzhiyska, our new postdoctoral research fellow joining the N-CoDe Lab today. Desi will be investigating intrinsic reward and motivation in children with reading disorders, funded by an Academy of Medical Sciences Springboard award. Desi completed her PhD at the University of Glasgow with Professor Marios Philiastides, where she was investigating social…